About Dual Credit Courses, SCWI and CODE
Dual Credit Courses
As ministry-approved courses, Dual Credits are a way for Grade 11 and 12 students, while still in high school, to earn a credit towards their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) while sampling college or apprenticeship industry-specific courses.
Dual Credits count towards both the OSSD and a postsecondary certificate, diploma, or degree, or an apprenticeship certification.
Students may earn up to four optional credits through Dual Credit courses. As well, Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) and Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) students may receive some industry-specific certifications in Dual Credit courses.
The Dual Credits program is an excellent example of the projects and forums funded via the School College Work Initiative (SCWI) that support student success in secondary education and assist students in their transition from secondary school to college programs.
School College Work Initiative (SCWI)
The School-College-Work Initiative (SCWI) is a co-operative effort with a mandate to assist in creating a seamless transition for students from secondary school to college. In addition to a wide array of learning and awareness opportunities for students, teachers, parents and the broader community, projects have been developed to provide dual credit programs for secondary students through the partnership of secondary schools and colleges.
A collaboration of the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) and the Committee of College Presidents (COP), SCWI is jointly funded by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.
First implemented in 1997, SCWI funds projects and forums that support student success in secondary education and assist students in their transition from secondary school to college programs.
Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE)
The Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) is a Professional Association that represents all Chief Executive Officers of the seventy-two District School Boards in Ontario.
CODE is the common public voice of Senior School District Administrators working with Government and various Associations.
CODE is an advisory and consultative organization that manages and supports a number of initiatives in Ontario to further student success.